Aims and Objectives of Palli Sanchay Bank
1) To increase the saving tendency among the underprivileged people and to provide incentives against savings to increase the saving tendency.
2) To build a fund created by the savings of the underprivileged people, to provide loan assistance on easy terms as needed, to convert every house into an income-generating productive farm, to make the poor financially self-reliant by relying on the accumulated deposits through processing and marketing of the produced products.
3) To develop skills in various sectors of agriculture, namely agriculture, fisheries, poultry farming, cattle farming, nursery and fruit farming, etc. In order to develop each house as an independent economic unit by considering each house as the main center of economic activities in national development, to undertake productive activities in their own backyards, create opportunities for marketing and self-employment, and to establish the dream of the Honorable Prime Minister - a Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty.
1) To help the underprivileged people to build capital by collecting small savings and through microsavings activities.
2) To increase their skills through training and provide necessary credit support, to make every house the center of productive activities and to increase investment at the marginal level in the agricultural sector.
3) To ensure women's empowerment by increasing the skills and capabilities of entrepreneurs through training in implementing income-generating programs.
4) To play a positive role in poverty alleviation by ensuring integrated village development by creating group human resources.
5) To involve the underprivileged people in poverty alleviation activities by combining modern information technology by ensuring maximum use of natural and human resources.
6) To implement the Honorable Prime Minister's microsavings model to improve the fate of the poor people and to convert every house into a farm.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS